With the imminent launch of the Apple iPhone there are a plethora of articles in the media that exhibit the fixed mindset. It is dramatic to say Apple is betting the company on the iPhone but it is a bit preposterous to say the previous success of Apple's recent products is just setting themselves up for a fall since their newest product can't possibly meet expectations. This is a good problem to have.
Seth Godin writes that in his opinion Steve Jobs is misunderstood since he is a rifter (Rifting is the process of fixing problems, of leaping from one broken market to another - which is an example of a growth mindset) not someone who is concerned or motivated by his legacy which is a fixed mindset perspective that some media are ascribing to him. With Steve's Pixar-Disney connection it is interesting that the Walt Disney comparison is made. Walt Disney's story involves a lot of setbacks but to me represents the triumph of imagination and persistence to pursue a vision.
Other topics related to mindset and Apple include iWoz the other Steve's book about growing up preparing to be an engineer and the fake Steve Jobs blog
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