Saturday, January 13, 2007

Its the real thing

One of the wonderful things about being alive in this time and place is the abundance of information available for living better and healthier.

Check out this article about what happens to your body when drinking a coke or other softdrink. Something to consider the next time you are thirsty.
Read the comments too - it seems there is a lot of contradictory information that needs to be weighed to get to the truth.

Equal time for the Coca-Cola company information on the topic of dehydration.

The Snopes site is interesting regarding debunking myths like the one that you need to drink 8-10 glasses of water to be healthy. After all the debate the conclusion is you should drink when you are thirsty (duh!) even though this may not be recognized as well as it should.

Drinking water is good for you and it doesn't have to be the fancy bottled water which has been shown to come from mundane sources in many cases.

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